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A Yuharon from the side

Home galaxy:

Mesimo Galaxy


5.5 meters


10.5 meters




High sapient


Highly advanced (ClassX)



The Yuharon are a race of intergalactic sapients native to the Mesimo Galaxy of theViperius Galaxy System. There are two varieties: Polemos and Pure.


Polemos Yuharon are extremely powerfully built, at up to 5.5 meters long and 3.2 meters tall. Their muscles are very dense, and could easily rip any organics to pieces. However, they used to be even stronger, but Laoine recreated their genetic code with retroviri to what it is today. Yuharon evolved as somewhat centauriforme hexacrurians, with a quasi-bipedal stance and four arms, two being able to substitute as legs. However, they are now centauriforme myriacrurians, with a total of 6 legs and four arms, two of the legs evolved from a pair of arms. This change was caused by a retrovirus developed by Laoine scientists during the height of their first galactic war together.

All of their legs are digitigrade, so they stand on their toes. There are three of these toes on each foot, each bunched up next to the last. Their legs have four joints in total, including hips and feet joints, so they have two knees. The bone structure seen in each of their legs varies slightly, but have the same bones, muscles, and tendons, and use the same walking pattern. However, their two arm pairs are completely different.

Their legs begin with a bone branching off of the spine known as the Archizaun bone, which there are one per leg. These create structure inside of the body, and are bent so they can provide a curved side. These are connected with both a spine and a ribcage, overlapping the top and sides of the bones. Their main organs reside here, except for the brain. The Archizaun bone then uses a socket joint to connect to the main part of the leg. This section has three bones, the Paelagus Kyrios, the Tylixte Mys, and the Suprapodian bone.

Yuharon Upper Leg

A diagram of the upper Yuharon leg

The Paelagus Kyrios is a straight bone, acting much like the femur in the human leg. It has a thin exterior, with a roughly hexagonal interior pattern, made of bone matter. The spaces between these are filled with marrow, and is layered with a thin amount of cartilage. Where the bone connects to the Archizaun bone - the top - is a large ball, slightly off from the rest of the bone. It has a thicker exterior, to prevent wear in case of cartilage loss. The end of the bone is a hinge joint, connecting to the lower areas of the leg. The bone has multiple areas known as Ypodochian regions, connecting it to the other upper leg bones.

The Tylixte Mys is a slightly curved bone, acting as a support for muscles in the leg. It has a much thicker exterior than the Paelagus bone, because it is more exposed and provides protection. It is connected to the main bone by five Ypodachian regions, two known as Ypodachi Kollodis and three Ypodachi Proskollontai. Kollodis are small cartilaginous regions, connecting to the interiors of bones and overlapping with a thin, bony exterior. This can break, but it is not very likely and has a very high rate of repair, unless if all Ypodachian regions are destroyed, where it needs to be removed. Proskollontai are more common, and are thick, elastic regions which overlap both bones.

The Suprapodian bone has the least use, as it is only used for protection, and support for two muscles. It has two Proskollontai regions, one shared with the Tylixte Mys and overlapping the single Kollodis region. It is 72.3% exterior material, while the interior is far denser, so a cubic centimeter can take up to 6921.4 kilograms of force before breaking.

Despite it being deep into the leg, the Paelagus bone has multiple muscles on it. The largest and most prominent is the Suprapelagian Mesa muscle, which allows raising of the leg during walking cycles. Two muscles create lowering of the leg, the Meiosi Ischyrios Makra and the Meiosi Ischyrios Synthomi. The Makra produces a slower, but smoother movement, and is located underneath the Synthomai. The other muscle provides fast, jerky movement to aid in jumping.

The top of the Paelagus bone has another few muscles, the most important of which is named the Peristrofia Siera Megalos muscle. This provides a radial movement, allowing the leg to have a wider wingspan or a shorter one. It also allows the leg to spin to around 51-55 degrees in either direction.

Yuharon Whole Leg (bones)

A diagram of all Yuharon leg bones

The next leg region has two bones, one main and one auxillary. The main bone is known as the Simantian bone, while the auxillary is known as the Amyna bone. The Simantian bone, like the Paelagus bone, is designed more for structure than defence, so only the exposed side has a thicker exterior. The interior has a thicker structure, however, and is designed to take hundreds of kilograms of force before shattering. The Amnya bone is connected to the Simantian bone using three Ypodachian regions: two Kollodis and one Proskollontai. The more common of the pair are located close to the ends of each, while the less common one is slightly below the top Kollodis.

This section of the leg has far less muscles than the upper region, and only has two major muscles. Both are for controlling the joints. The lower region of the leg has a single bone, the Chamilosian bone. This is shaped much like the Paelagus bone in most respects, but is only attatched to hinge joints. It connects to the foot and only has a few major muscles, for controlling foot tendons and the main joint.

The top arm has a total of three joints, and acts much like a human arm. It follows the same radius-ulna pattern with most of the same patterns, while the top area acts much like the top section of the leg, with three bones. Its bones are named the same, while the muscles are nameddifferently. More muscles are seen, as the arms need to be able to move far more, and the fingers have multiple muscles. These fingers, which there are four of on each hand, each have five sections, except for a thumb-like one, which has three. This allows advanced manipulation of objects, as each finger can act as a grasper. They end in points, which are not harmful.

The bottom arms have four joints, with a completely different structure. The top section has one bone, the Vrachonian bone. This is slightly stronger than most bones, with a reinforced interior lattice with more reinforcing cartilage. It has a ball for a socket joint on either end, as the middle section has the socket. Its muscles act much like that of the human's humerus.

Next is the middle region, containing one bone, the Asimantos. It has a socket on one end, while it has a hinge on the other. The last region is much like the second leg section, with two bones - the Protosto and Tetaiosto. However, it is shaped far more like a radius-ulna pattern, but with several different muscles.

Yuharon Whole Arm (Vrachonis Muscles Only)

A diagram showing the arm bones and basic Vrachonian muscles

The Vrachonian bone has the most powerful muscles, with a humerus-like pattern, having the biceps vrachoniis twice as powerful as the biceps on the human humerus. However, the bottom has a different muscle, the Ainoxi Spoydaio Vrachoniis.

This can cause a springing extension of the upper elbow, automatically stiffening the other two regions and tensing all muscles to smash the skulls or arms of opponents. This can be reinforced with power armors, with a plate of nanodiamond with extremely sharp ridges slicing through organics easily, and crushing metals without effort.

The skull shows that the Yuharon is a synapsid-analogue, with a lengthened snout. The top of the skull is exposed, and reinforced with extremely tough interior structures. The bone juts down in multiple places, to create teeth designed for ripping flesh. There are two rows of these on the top section, and one, interlocking set on the bottom jaw.

The jaws are controlled by the Krisitetamenial muscle, which is located directly next to the hinge. When it flexes, it shuts the jaw quickly to penetrate flesh. The neck muscle, Dakrsarka, provides a jerking, twisting action to tear off flesh.

Their hands and feet are basically the same, separated into four regions. The Tripsteian region comes first, with twenty bones. These provide a basis for the feet to be supported and creates the palm of the hand.

Their skin is very thick, reaching almost an inch thick in some places. The skin can regenerate rapidly after a wound because of the presence of neoblast cells which activate when excess platelets are in the region. The skin's epidermis has less of these cells, so scars are left for up to a year after the injury. However, in the dermis and subdermis, the neoblast cells are seen in excess, so they can repair a full skin injury in less than a week.

Yuharon eyes are not well developed, despite their proportionate size. They are trichromatic, but can only see weakly into the red and violet spectrums of color. Despite this, they have a high detail perception, and can see for many kilometers when at a good vantage point. Projections from the side of the skull allow depth perception, and a weaker pair of eyes at the back of the head allow near-360-degree vision.

Holes in the Yuharon skull allow air to waft into a porous structure in a nasal cavity, much like the human lamina cribrosa, cooling the brain if overheated. Their olfactory bulbs are well developed, with a high density of sensory and mitral cells.

Yuharon tissue is very strong, specifically that of muscle tissue. Recognisable connective tissue is seen, such as blood and bone. However, the extracellular matrix is far more dense, resulting in stronger bones and organs. A new variety of connective tissue is seen, known as hyperprepared tissue. This form of tissue is designed to take the place of other tissue if lost, creating a low amount of regeneration. However, this can only be strained to a small extent, and the transmutation of hyperprepared tissue to muscle tissue takes many weeks and requires many thousands of calories. Hyperprepared tissue is a form of Special CT, falling into the caste of cartilaginous and embryonic tissue.

Adipose tissue is far less common, with much of the excess energy creating hyperprepared tissue. When created, however, this form of tissue is mainly stored in the lower sections of the body. Elastic fibers have far more elastin to lubricate it, to prevent wear or tearing of the tissue.

Myocytes are quite different as well, with sarcoplasm holding much more oxygenating cells. This results in a lower buildup of lactic acid equivalents.

However, other kinds of tissue are far more recognisable, with neural systems being almost identical to that of a human.

Pure Yuharon are actually much like Polemos Yuharon, except that the back two of their legs are missing, as well as their second pair of arms being much like that of a quasi-bipedal's. Their chest and spinal structure is much the same, as well as bearing mostly the same organ systems.


Yuharon have a three-chambered heart, with two inferior atria and one superior ventricle, massing at around 910 grams. It is surrounded by a case of hyperprepared tissue, which is more aqueous than other sections of it, allowing the heart to beat solidly without restraint. The atria pump nearly simultaneously, just before the ventricle deposits the blood into the bloodstream. The heartrate is averaged at around 40, matching up with a secondary pumping station in the thorax.

Yuharon Cardiovascular Centers

A diagram showing the cardiovascular centers in the Yuharon body

They have two lungs, one below the heart, and the other acting by the secondary pumping station. The one below the heart has a total air capacity of 30 liters of air, and has a greater alveoli surface area than any mammal, allowing immense amounts of oxygen to be pumped around the bloodstream.

The second lung is not as well developed, and only has a capacity of 10 liters of air. It is powered by spiracles on the mid-thorax. Lungs are highly elastic, easily filling up to their full capacity. Yuharon can hold their breath for 10 minutes, as the second lung can provide some oxygen, but in low amounts, from air drifting into the lung.

Their digestive system begins at the mouth, where many enzymes already begin digesting shredded food. Their eosophagus descends nearly through their entire torso, leading to their midsection. Here, an extremely flexible stomach (230mL-10L capacity) easily digests food with hydrocholoric acid and many enzymes, taking at most 7 hours to digest fatty foods. The stomach is protected from these agents by a mucus-like agent. After this, a long, winding intestine absorbs minerals through villi, taking in many vitamins, and transfering energy into both fat and hyperprepared tissue.

The Yuharon endocrine system is simple compared to many other animals. It is centered around two glands; the Aresei gland and the Tolsep gland. The Aresei gland is centered towards brain activity and creation of emotion, while the Tolsep gland is centered towards natural movement and stimulation of muscles. The Aresei gland's influence only centers towards the brain and nerves, but is equal in size to the Tolsep gland due to the size of the brain.

Instead of having a kindney, Yuharon have pockets of nephrons scattered around 'waste stations' in the bloodstream, where blood vessels transfer waste into these pockets, to be transferred into urea and other chemicals created during the production of urine. There are tens of these pockets, most being in the thorax, where the main excretory system is.

To lower fat production, an organ known as the Aryalipos filters liquid from the intestines, taking fat and transferring much of it into hyperprepared tissue.


Yuharon are sexual and viviparous, giving birth to live young and posessing one sex organ. There are two sexes - males and females. Each male possesses systems much like human, however, there are four auxillary testes accompanying the two major testes. With the females, this is also seen, as there are six ovaries, four which are smaller. This may be because they can grow using the large amounts of hyperprepared tissue in the region, creating a new main testicle.

The main ovaries lead to the uterus, and if there already is an egg inside of the uterus, eggs from the auxillary ovaries are blocked from entering with a natural barrier created by a weak membrane of hyperprepared tissue. Male testes are connected to a pump-like organ, expelling semen in a method not unlike that of human gonads.

Due to recent mutations, fertilisation has a very low chance, because of hyperprepared tissue activity in the ovaries, sometimes rendering females infertile. Medicine for this has been developed, but this may result in lower brain activity because it creates more activity in the Tolsep gland, specifically the Inoris region, which governs the gonads. However, Pure Yuharon and recently 'reverted' Yuharon, created by the Laoine, do not suffer from this.

Gestation takes more than 2 years, as there are many different limbs and well developed organs. Miscarriage almost never occurs, as embryonic tissue is far more elastic and tough than most other embryonic tissue studied, and fetuses have developed endocrine systems after 10 months in the womb. Gestation is not as obvious, as when the uterus expands, it quickly adjusts nephron pockets and blood vessels in the region.

Childbirth comes with a few complexities, as major bleeding may occur. However, these can easily be avoided with modern medicine. When born, Yuharon have a looser skin, which sets on soon after. High levels of hyperprepared tissue are also seen, developing limbs quickly. They measure at 70 cm long and mass at around 15 kilograms at birth, which quickly triples within the first few years of development.


Yuharon sometimes augment themselves, as they are adept at genetic engineering and cybernetic technology. However, due to the fragility of their genetic code, they rarely engineer it, instead directing it towards other species. Augmentation is often seen, however. Due to the low numbers of Yuharon, they all have high-quality implants. There are two kinds of implants - active and passive implants.

Active implants include bionic body parts, such as bionic eyes. These are used commonly, as to improve the vision greatly. Passive implants are far more common, often in the form of biomechanical brains, which are able to record images and have an immense data storage.

Implants are often given a small set of nanobots to make it self-repairing, in the case of damage. These are controlled by a hive mind at the Yuharon brain.

Hyperprepared tissue is also often augmented, as to regrow tissue faster. This is done with nanobots with with pockets of these tissue cells, deploying the living tissue into the regrowing limb or organ.

Before their mutation, they often would augment more of their body, but as seeing that they are now sensitive to many things they come in contact with, they cannot do as much.

Intelligence and Culture[]

Yuharon are highly sapient, capable of much technology and FTL travel, multiple sciences, nanotechnology, and many other manifestations of their genius. Their brains are extremely dense, at nearly 2 times the density of a human, and 0.95 times the size, based on relative ratios. They have encephalization quotients nearing 8.5, and sentience quotients of around +16 without a biomechanical brain (up to +24 with one). Their nervous systems can have some nanobots in it, enabling rapid signaling with radio waves. Being biomechanical, their brain allows them to shut off some sensory abilities, enabling them to ignore pain when doing something painful, collapsing the need for anaesthetics.

The amount of innate knowledge they are born with is slightly greater than humans, but their distorted genetic sequence prevents as much as engineered races.


Luckily, Yuharon could still communicate after their mutation. Their speech is slurred, but they can pick up sounds which humans could not detect in a continuous volume, making communication easy. They have fast thinking times, and often link neural pathways in groups to communicate quickly. To the untrained ear, their language would sound like a continuous, slurred noise punctuated by occasional high and low peaks of sound. In reality, the noise is punctuated by extremely fast consonants.

Translation software is fine-tuned to pick up these blips, but some meanings are lost in translation due to slang terms, which are quite common in Yuharon culture. However, their finely tuned ears allow them to pick up slight bits of emotion in even translated speech.

Grammar and wording is quite basic for a species of their intelligence, with only a few tenses and cases. Technical vocabulary is almost always compound, so a lesser (melaosi) spotted (eimos) animal would be melaoseimo(s)(name of animal).


Yuharon have a culture based around expression, as they are governed mainly by their emotions. As of this, they would exterminate races which 'they don't like' due to their actions or philosophy. Their culture is also quite militaristic, based on supremacy in the universe through any means possible. It is not known who the Yuharon report to, but it is likely that they have a democracy, as they are quite centered around freedom.

Yuharon are specialists, specializing in a specific field if they are good at that subject. They also appear to have basic training in most fields. The specialists work together in a cycle, as to create a sustainable society, but it has been put forward that the Yuharon may be able to fill in holes in the cycle with their basic training.

They are highly expressive, having music and fine art. The music that has been picked up so far contains a very harmonious synthesized beat, but no actual singing has been heard. Fine art includes statues made of metals and scratched tablets seen through transmissions. Martial arts have also been seen through one transmission, as they use their arms to smash each other.

Their buildings tend to be large, white and black hemispheres with elegant protrusions. These are usually connected with cylindrical tunnels on the ground or as a skywalk from large, blocky protrusions. There are always multiple doors on a building complex. However, all information on this has been retrieved from razing worlds. Other forms of art have also been seen inside of these structures, including large, wooden tapestries made from finely shredded wood.


Yuharon names encompass many things, and they can change during their lifetime. Yuharon are risen through 'ranks' of respect, starting at the basic one, where they do not have it in their name. This can go either way, with bad or good respect.

After this name, their given name occurs. They are usually named by this in conversation, and names are based on physical objects, so one could be called 'fire' in their language. Their next name is optional, as it encompasses a nickname given by the majority of their friends. This also supports socialization in their society. The last name is a name passed down, which is almost completely set in stone. A name example would be Aixa Ypnos Lofisyr Psira, where Aixa is an honorable title. The name is also the name of the one known leader of the Yuharon.


Yuharon wear many forms of clothing, including large plates of metal on their backs and undersides, which is what most Yuharon are currently being seen wearing. They have a form of fashion, constantly fluctuating and changing, much like human society. Synthesized fabrics are also in place on Yuharon.


The Yuharon civilization is irreligious on the whole, not believing in any deities. They used to have a monotheism, revolving around a single deity, Sithelos. He was depicted as a great and merciful deity, but also had much wrath directed towards 'sinners.' He was spoken to by seers, who would forsee disaster and destruction (not working much...). He was constantly opposed by Namistis, the collective conciousness of unbelievers, and the only way to destroy it was to convert nonbelievers.

Each side had many soldiers, with Sithelos' depicted as great mechanical constructs made of bronze gears and plates, capable of killing many mortal men. Namistis' soldiers were depicted as mainly cannon fodder, small, quadrupedal forms of darkness usually depicted as climbing about on Sithelos' sodliers.

If you were a believer in the religion, you would join the fight against Namistis, but if you were not, you would become an opposing soldier, doomed to be extinguished, or banished from existance. However, when the soldiers of Sithelos died, they would feast forever in the halls of Sithelos' infinite palace.


Being class X, Yuharon have highly sophisticated technology, mainly with warlike technology. They can travel between galaxies in hours via crossverse travel and advanced mass-lowering technology.

Much information has been gathered from starship wrecks, as well as assault vehicles.


Yuharon have many forms of weaponry, mostly being space weapons. Their weapons vary from powerful energy weapons to huge mass drivers and coilguns.

Assault Vehicle Weapons[]

Assault vehicles are the standard infantry and tank troops in the Yuharon army, acting as advanced foot soldiers. Small assault vehicles are only a meter and a half tall, while medium ones are two and a half, and large ones are five meters tall.

  • Yuharon Small Rail-Turret - Small assault vehicles usually carry these. These are mounted on arm protrusions on the side of the vehicles, as either main or auxillary weapons. Each gun fires 40g bullets to eleven kilometers per second, delivering around 578 grams of TNT equivalent. A bullet can be fired at up to thrice per second, but is usually fired at lower than this to allow main weaponry to fire. As with all weapons, bullets are designed to squash on impact, delivering the maximum force.
  • Yuharon Approach

    A Yuharon Assault Unit approaches, charging its turrets

    Yuharon Medium Rail-Turret - Small assault vehicles can also wield this as a main weapon, and medium assault vehicles use these as auxillary weapons. Small vehicles can be built around these. Each fires 100g bullets to fifteen kilometers per second, delivering around 2.69 kilograms of TNT equivalent. A bullet can be fired at thrice per second, but is usually fired lower than this because it depletes energy.
  • Yuharon Large Rail-Turret - Medium assault vehicles can wield this as a main weapon, built around it. Large assault vehicles have enough power to use many of these, although this may cause energy depletion. Each fires a 200 gram bullet at seventeen kilometers per second, delivering 6.91 kilograms of TNT equivalent. Bullets are fired once to five times per second, depending on the energy priority.
  • Yuharon LMG-Turret - LMG's are used as main weapons on small and medium assault vehicles, and as minor weapons on large assault vehicles. Each fires 50g bullets at fifteen kilometers per second, delivering 1.3 kilograms of TNT equivalent. These can fire at up to ten per second, but is usually reduced to five per second due to overheat and energy depletion. Bullets are designed not to squash as much, but to rather transfer energy in a way where there are two stages of direction.
  • Yuharon HMG-Turret - HMG's are used as main weapons on medium assault vehicles and minor weapons on large assault vehicles. The gun fires 100g bullets at up to eighteen kilometers per second, delivering around 3.87 kilograms of TNT equivalent. Bullets are fired at around twelve per second, but are usually reduced to less than half of that to prevent major overheat and energy depletion.
  • Yuharon Anti-Materiel Rail-Turret - These are used by large assault vehicles, being the most poweful rail-turret. It is also the second fastest turret, firing 500g bullets at up to 25 kilometers per second, delivering 37.34 kilograms of TNT. This cannot be used against infantry, seeing as it would be extreme overkill. Instead, this is used on buildings and vehicles, as it can easily smash through metal support struts and hulls, and destroy large quantities of concrete. It fires at around once per 10 seconds.
  • Yuharon Precision Rail-Turret - Precision-turrets are used for taking out enemies at a distance, and are only used by medium assault vehicles. Each fires a 100g projectile to twently kilometers per second, creating a force equivalent to 4.78 kilograms of TNT equivalent. These can be fired at up to once per two seconds, and advanced targeting computers compensate for other, small factors.
  • Yuharon Rocket Launcher Turret - Rocker launchers fire 1-10 kilogram rockets, containing 0.1-1 gram of antimatter each, which can be adjusted. However, the 1-gram option is rarely used, mainly using less than 0.1 grams, as 1 gram of antimatter would nearly anhilliate an entire structure.
  • Yuharon Small Railcannon Turret - Railcannons take nearly the entire amount of energy inside of even large assault vehicles, as they are even more powerful than anti-materiel railcannons. These fire 500g bullets at 30 km/s, producing 53.78 kilograms of TNT equivalent. These are used for destroying vehicles and buildings. Vehicles using this need to stay back from the blast because of jets of plasma and the massive explosion.

Space Weaponry[]


A planet after being hit by multiple Hercules Cannon blasts

As well as having A.I's replacing their soldiers, Yuharon also have much weaponry for A.I-based spaceships.

  • Hercules Cannon - Hercules Cannons are large projectiles fired from larger Yuharon ships, designed to destroy massive areas of planets. The projectile itself uses huge amounts of energy to produce a bubble like an alcubierre drive, driving into a planet. As soon as the heat detected by the supercompressed nanodiamond projectile reaches critical, the alcubierre bubble dissapears, releasing massive amounts of radiation and heat, melting a large portion of the crust.
  • Deimos Howitzer - This weapon fires multiple projectiles simultaneously, designed to spread and do maximum damage to a large area. It has twelve barrels, each firing a coilgun-launched projectile to .6c, weighing 50kg each, creating an explosion equivalent to 268 megatons of TNT. As the projectiles are launched, the barrels change their angle ever so slightly, so each projectile is fired 10-30 degree minutes from each other. This can be reversed in any direction or stopped. The firing rate reaches 24 per second, but can be decreased as to reduce overheat and energy loss.
  • Phobos Bomb - The Phobos Bomb uses an innovative method like the Hercules Cannon to release massive amounts of gamma radiation. As soon as the bomb is triggered, an alcubierre bubble is created, being bombarded by charged particles. The bomb then releases the radiation from inside the bubble, vaporising the bomb and parts of the ship targeted. During the process, it is accelerated towards the targeted ship, to maximize damage.
  • Broadside Mass Drivers - Mass drivers are common on Yuharon ships, while not as common as energy weapons. Each fires 1 ton projectiles at .45c, delivering 2.57 gigatons of TNT equivalent. These can be fired at rates up to eight per second, but is usually lowered to reduce overheat rates.
  • Offensive Mass Drivers - These mass drivers are used to finish off unshielding ships, so are far less common than broadside mass drivers. They fire 1 ton projectiles to .6c, delivering 5.37 gigatons of TNT equivalent. They require more than thrice the power as broadsides, so are designed to be able to have an extremely wide range of fire. These are only used on battlecruisers or larger, as they are not required in small raids. Broadside projectiles are compatible for this mass driver, as the weight requirement is the same, just that the barrel is longer.
  • Ship Coilgun - Coilguns are miniaturized on Yuharon ships, as to maximise space. They are not as powerful as those of other species, as they fire 30kg projectiles at around .3c, managing to deliver 31 megatons of TNT equivalent. What makes up for this is their numbers and firing rate, as they can be as small as 50 meters long and fire rapidly, for a coilgun.
  • Ship Railcannons - Railcannons are also miniaturized, as to allow muliple cannons on the ship. They can fire around three 1.5kg projectiles at .3c per second, delivering 1.56 megatons of TNT equivalent, around that of the first hydrogen bombs.
  • Light Lasers - As energy weapons and particle beams are commonly in use on Yuharon ships, their lasers are highly sophisticated. Light lasers use 1 petawatt power sources, with a highly concentrated beam which auto-variates in frequencies, as to become accustomed to the material being destroyed. These utilise quick pulses to destroy small areas, but can also operate in a sweeping motion to tear open hulls. They are more often used to destroy oncoming missiles and low-velocity projectiles and small ships.
  • Ultralight Lasers - Ultralight lasers are only used on smaller ship classes, as they are only terawatt-class. They have 100 terawatt power sources and a larger aperture size, as to have a larger area to affect. They do not variate in frequencies automatically, instead needing to be controlled by a gunner.
  • Heavy Lasers - Heavy lasers are less common that light lasers, as they are far more powerful. Each has a 3 petawatt power source and a less concentrated beam to vaporise hulls. Like its smaller counterpart, it can auto-variate in frequencies.
  • Ultraheavy Lasers - Ultraheavy lasers are the least common energy weapon on Yuharon ships, as they are only seen on large ship classes. They have 10 petawatt power sources, enough to vaporise most hulls. They are more concentrated than heavy lasers, and autovariate in frequencies extremely accurately. They are each designated a computer to do targeting and frequency variation, while the central A.I. handles the firing.
  • Ship Masers - Masers are slightly less common than lasers on Yuharon ships, as lasers have more practical use. Most masers have .5-4 petawatt power sources, while .1 petawatt and 6 petawatt ones have been detected. These can boil the interiors of ships rather easily, but need to be powered by huge power sources.
  • Light Particle Beam - Light particle beams are in use on many ships in the Yuharon fleet, as they are used to sterilise ships easily. 7 GeV particles are accelerated to .85c using a particle accelerator, which creates a relatively small hole. However, the neutral particles easily sterilise the interior of the ship using radiation, creating a salvageable wreck.
  • Medium Particle Beam - However, medium particle beams are far more powerful and are designed to destoy small vessels, but still purge large ones. 280 GeV particles are fired at .93c, creating a substantial hole. The particles can be either neutral or charged, depending if the ship is in a vacuum or an atmosphere. The particles can sterilise the interior of larger ships easily, allowing Vorian frigates to be easily warded off by ships which wield this.
  • Heavy Particle Beam - The largest particle beams pack immense power, as they can destoy huge areas of ships. However, they can only be used on battleships or larger, seeing as they take up immense amounts of energy. The particles fired have energy densities reaching 5 TeV, and are accelerated to .98c. In addition to completely purging non-shielded vessels with the immense radiation, the particles create huge explosions as it turns almost all matter into high-energy plasma.
  • Point Defense - Yuharon point defense systems include extremely high rate-of-fire flak guns and small rapid-fire railguns. Ultralight lasers can also be used as point defense, as they are well-concentrated. Each station usually includes two small flak guns and a rapid-fire railgun, while the railgun can be replaced with a large flak gun or an ultralight laser.
  • Missiles - Missiles are less common on Yuharon ships, as their particle and energy weapons are far more accurate and unavoidable. However, most have either an antimatter or fusion charge, with fusion charges mostly being hydrogen, while helium fusion can be seen. Antimatter charges are less common, but are far more powerful. Hydrogen charges have around 1-50 megatons of TNT equivalent, while helium charges have 3-120 megaton TNT equivalent charges. Antimatter charges have a wide variety, but most explosions give off around 10-100 megatons of TNT equivalent forces.


Yuharon ships are all equipped with multiple devices which can relay signals using FTL systems. These are caught in orbit around ships or planets to relay messages with electromagnetic signals. These are usually coded and broken apart, so only Yuharon can understand them.

Quantum entanglement has also been seen, to allow real-time communication between vessels and control centers. All Yuharon ships can show images and recordings to Yuharon officials, especially when confronted with a new race.


All Yuharon ships are controlled by artificial intelligences, which are based on quantum computers. Each of these are able to compute billions of trillions of calculations nearly instantaneously, so they can control huge fleets and command gigantic ships. This also allows them to store information on the quantum scale and have extremely hard computers, even resistant to Vorian Mordred Pulses.

A.I's also allow Yuharon to have adaptive robots to process worlds into ships, as they require large amounts of them. Robots also work in factories and other labor-requiring industries.

Yuharon nanobots are also quite sophisticated, seeing as some ship hulls are made out of them. These are controlled by the central A.I, but are cannot do many tasks, seeing as they can barely take in signals. However, it is rumored that they are developing picobots, but they have not been seen yet.


The Yuharon navy is quite large, with an estimated 400 million ships in the Polemos Galaxy. Ultraspace travel allows them to travel to many billions of times the speed of light corresponding in unfolded space. For sublight maneuvers, they use classic fusion engines, while a burst of antimatter engine input can be used just after the mass is divided. The maximum speed of their largest ships reaches nearly 400 billion c, meaning that they can travel between galaxies in days, and can traverse nearly an entire small universe within a year.

Yuharon dropships (wallpaper, bros)

A number of Yuharon dropships expelling fighter jets

Repulsor fields circulate around the ship, as well as ion fields and a low amount of cold plasma.

This is backed up by a field of particles which absorb energy blasts, therefore halting Mordred Pulses and high-frequency lasers. Repulsor sheets are not as advanced, but still can act as a secondary defense.

All large ships are made out of nanodiamond, with a strong superstructure supported by nanodiamond girders. However, smaller, 'disposable' ships including fighters up to light cruisers are made out of crust materials such as iron and titanium, but still operate with repulsor fields. Large ship armor allows them resistance to EMP's, solar flares, and even nuclear fallout. They are defended enough to fly close to small stars and large gas giants.

Large ships are also computationally advanced, with cyberwarfare equipment and hardened computers. Their computers are accurate at tens of millions of kilometers, with enough firepower to take out planets.

They have multiple ship classes, with many different uses and functions, while they can all travel to immense speeds in crossverse travel. Classes incude -

  • Dreadnoughts are the largest class, each being more than one hundred twenty kilometers long. They wield Hercules Cannons, Deimos Howitzers, and multiple heavy particle beams and ultraheavy lasers. They also have massive amounts of mass drivers and all sorts of other weaponry. Each dreadnought can hold several fighter ships in their hangar, as to provide support. Like carriers, dreadnoughts have several construction hangars, but on a smaller scale, to produce small ships such as light cruisers and destroyers from harvested planetary crusts. Due to their massive drive cores, they can travel to speeds above 1 billion c.
  • The main production lines of the Yuharon fleets are their Carriers. They are around the same size as Dreadnoughts, but as the majority of their space are construction hangars, they can only support one or two Deimos Howitzers or medium particle beams. However, they have an emphasis on point-defense, and are usually surrounded by more powerful ships. Carriers and Transporters can both reach 250 million c, as they have to transport large amounts of munitions and vehicles.
  • Transporters are also large ships, but the majority of their insides are hangar space. They are each around eighty kilometers long, with a highly advanced superstructure base. They can support a single Deimos Howitzer or medium particle beam, but have several ultralight laser flak defenses. They often control large numbers of Assault Vehicles, seeing as they have massive computers and can hold over ten million assault units, each of which can survive re-entry in pods.
  • The backbone of Yuharon fleets are battleships. These are usually armed with multiple particle weapons and a few Deimos Howitzers, and are twenty to thirty kilometers long. Each has a designated amount of assault vehicles to aid in planetary assault, usually around ten thousand or so. They are armed with mass drivers, railguns, coilguns, many point-defense platforms. Battleships and battlecruisers both can travel to around 100 million c, and are ready for any situation.
  • Much like battleships are battlecruisers, which are much like their larger counterpart, but are sleeker with more sparse weaponry. They measure at ten to sixteen kilometers long, with a Deimos Howitzer or two, and far more energy and particle weapons. They also tend to have less shielding than battleships.
  • Frigates are the smallest vessel with a significant A.I core, as they have many ships following them. They are each one to two kilometers long, with an emphasis on kinetic weaponry. However, they also can support many energy weapons, with one or two heavy lasers and several light lasers dotting their hulls. Each is quite good at both offense and defense, as they are generalists. The most common use of frigates is to use them in small group patrols, with only five or so of them patrolling space. However, these each have quite good tactics and can dispatch many smaller ships. Frigates can travel at around 10 million c, as they are usually transported in bigger ships when preforming intergalactic travel.
  • Heavy cruisers are the smallest non-disposable vessel, being slightly smaller than the destroyer. They are mainly used in fire support, as they have large batteries of lasers and particle beams, designed to deliver maximum damage in a war of attrition. Each is around seven hundred meters long, and travel in huge fleets. They can travel at immense speeds for a ship their size, at more than 1 million c.
  • Light cruisers are very small, and are 'disposable,' or not made of nanodiamond. They are barely armed, with only a few railguns and ultralight lasers, so mainly act in recconaisance or assault vehicle transports. Each are around two hundred meters long, and as such are barely detectable.
  • Destroyers are slightly larger than heavy cruisers, with each being around eight hundred meters long. They are designed to swarm friendly ships to defend them, with multiple point-defense stations and lasers, as to stop missiles and strike craft.
  • Dropships are each around a kilometer long, and carry thousands of assault vehicles. They are mainly empty, but have advanced mass fields to allow both FTL and near-ground positions. Fifty or so hangars are inside of the ship, each two hundred meters long, with multiple assault vehicle racks, which are unloaded to attack planetary settlements.
  • Fighters are mainly used in atmospheres, as they are only around fifty meters long. They are carried in transporters and dropships alongside assault vehicles. Each has an ultralight laser and a few flak guns, along with a coilgun or railcannon, depending on the size. They are the least sapient of all of the Yuharon ships, being slightly less intelligent than assault vehicles.
  • Assault Vehicles are capable of space flight, but only for limited amounts of time using a mass-lowering system which also allows them to hover. There are three varieties: small, medium, and large assault vehicles. Small ones are a meter and a half tall, while the medium ones are two and a half, and large ones are five meters tall. They all share the same body shape, as upright, streamlined vehicles with a central camera and two, short arms which are given weapons. The center can also have a weapon in it.

Common forms of these classes are listed below:

Dreadnought Classes[]

Dreadnoughts are the largest class of spaceship, and so are incredibly rare, but powerful.

  • Goi-class Dreadnoughts measure at around 127 kilometers long, and have extremely thick hulls. They carry three Hercules Cannons, fifty Deimos Howitzers, ten heavy particle beams, and fifteen ultraheavy lasers, and can singlehandedly pummel a planet's surface to pieces.
    Found this background on a pretty weird site

    A Foi-class dreadnought destroys a Vorian ship

    The hull is also given all standard ship weaponry, with tens of thousands of mass drivers, and hundreds of medium particle beams.
  • Foi-class Dreadnoughts measure at 124 kilometers long, and are more focused on energy weapons. Each carries a single Hercules Cannon, seventy-five Deimos Howitzers, twenty heavy particle beams, along with thirty ultraheavy lasers. They have thousands of heavy lasers, so can easily pick off large fleets with their advanced weaponry. Their armor is thinner than other Dreadnoughts', so they tend to stay back from the fray.
  • Doi-class Dreadnoughts are 129 kilometers long, and are designed to easily destroy large vessels, so their concentration is kinetic weaponry. They carry a single Hercules Cannon, two hundred Deimos Howitzers, five heavy particle beams, and twelve ultraheavy lasers. Multiple tubes for Phobos Bombs to be deployed are on the hull, each with a large amount of bombs loaded. More point-defense stations are seen on the surface of the ship than most other Dreadnoughts, as they take a heavy pummeling.
  • Toi-class Dreadnoughts are 121 kilometers long, designed to separate fleets with particle beam blasts and attrition to larger ships. They have no Hercules Cannons, but have one hundred Deimos Howitzers, thirty-five heavy particle beams, ten ultraheavy lasers, and multiple lighter particle beams and thousands of mass drivers.

Carrier Classes[]

Carriers are the main production lines of the Yuharon, with several construction hangars in them, creating all kinds of smaller non-Transporter ship.

  • Morai-class Carriers are each 117 kilometers long, and are shaped more in a stout torus than a ship. The center acts as a gigantic construction hangar, putting the parts of battleships together. It carries four Deimos Howitzers and a single ultraheavy laser, along with several million defense platforms. The Howitzers are placed on supported platforms on both the top and bottom, while the laser can travel around the circumfrence of the ship. The laser's path is also dotted with mass drivers and coilguns to ward off smaller ships.
  • Xamai-class Carriers are 122 kilometers long, shaped more like a ship than the Morai. It has a large hole in the front, where finished ships can exit. It has a frontal heavy particle beam and a single Deimos Howitzer. The sides are covered in broadside mass drivers, while the front carries around ten offensive mass drivers. Due to the amount of weaponry, Xamai-class have even more space than Morai-class for construction hangars.
  • Psomai-class Carriers are each 109 kilometers long, and are dedicated to the mass production of Assault Vehicles. They only have a single Deimos Howitzer and only a few medium particle beams, so they maximise space for construction hangars. There are several docking stations for transport vehicles and dropships.

Transporter Classes[]

Transporters are used for transporting smaller ships and assault units.

  • Tou-class Transporters are 82 kilometers long each, and have a peculiar construction which leaves them looking much like two ships put together. Both bays, the top and the bottom, each have a Deimos Howitzer, while the connectors have an ultraheavy laser. The top bay holds a few frigates and several cruisers, as well as a light cruiser construction hangar. The bottom bay holds tens of millions of assault vehicles, with a few construction hangars for them.
  • Le pubdom image, hard to find these

    A Mou-class Transporter, firing its particle beam

    Mou-class Transporters are each 79 kilometers long, with a wide berth to allow its internal structure. The center of it is a large cruiser bay, with a few construction hangars. The front of this has a 'ship launcher,' which aids in the acceleration of cruisers when they are deployed. Both sides have elongated hangars for assault vehicles. Their armnament includes a single Deimos Howitzer and a heavy particle beam.
  • Psou-class Transporters are 76 kilometers long each, and are capable of holding many Dropships and assault vehicles. Its central hangar holds ten dropships, and auxillary hangars hold over twenty million assault units. Their armnament includes an ultraheavy laser, along with a few medium particle beams and two Phobos Bomb launchers.

Battleship Classes[]

Battleships are large, offensive ships, making the backbone of Yuharon assaults. They are covered in weapons, and have small crews of assault units.

  • Psion-class Battleships are 27 kilometers long each, supporting two Deimos Howitzers and one Phobos Bomb launcher, and a large battery of mass drivers. They are seen commonly on the front lines, as they are generalists, and have plenty of weapons. They have a small crew of 9500 assault vehicles to aid in planetary assault.
  • Yurion-class Battleships are each 24 kilometers long, with one Deimos Howitzer and a single ultraheavy laser. They are more often used away from the battlefield, seeing as they are less offensive. Still, they have large batteries of point defense stations and mass drivers, and around ten medium particle beams. They have 7350 assault vehicles to aid in planetary assault, most of them being smaller varieties.
  • Ilurion-class Battleships, at 29 kilometers long, have two Deimos Howitzers and eight medium particle beams, and are obviously designed for the front line of wars of attrition. Their armor is also substantially thicker than other Battleships', with strong repulsor fields and sheets. Their crew reaches over 10000 assault vehicles, because they are quite good at planetary assault.
  • Yprion-class Battleships each are 22 kilometers long, and are designed more for fire support. They have a single Deimos Howitzer and ten heavy lasers and multiple ship masers. They have large batteries of ship coilguns and railcannons, as they can easily destoy smaller ships with these.Their crew reaches only around 4500 assault vehicles, since they do not preform planetary assault often. These are mainly larger versions capable of space flight.

Battlecruiser Classes[]

Spaceship (pubdom)

A Churios-class ship. Note- the particle weapon on the underside of the ship

Battlecruisers are slightly smaller than Battleships, but still have quite advanced weapons.

  • Krios-class Battlecruisers are 14 kilometers long, with a few offensive mass drivers and several broadside mass drivers. They have particularily thick armor and repulsors, so can hold up in long battles. They have small crews of 2400 assault vehicles, so they can aid in planetary assault.
  • Prios-class Battlecruisers are 11 kilometers long, with a major focus on high-accuracy lasers and masers, while there are several particle weapons which are highly accurate. As a result, they are used mainly in back lines, where accuracy is more vital than power. Their crews are large for their size, with 3000 assault vehicles aiding in planetary assault.
  • Churios-class Battlecruisers are 16 kilometers long, with an emphasis on heavy weaponry. They have multiple offensive mass drivers with a few heavy and light lasers, a medium particle beam, and a huge arsenal of mass drivers and coilguns. They have many missiles and bombs, capable of planetary assault with 3150 assault vehicles, mainly medium-sized.

Frigate Classes[]

Frigates are quite common, and have basic weapons.

  • Izoun-class Frigates are 1.3 kilometers long, forming the backbone of frigate patrols. They have thick armor and repulsors, and are front-line ships. They have several lasers and masers, backed by missiles and some mass drivers, so are effective at attacking most kinds of ship, and, in large numbers, take down ships as big as dreadnoughts. They each have 840 assault units.
  • Psoun-class Frigates are 1.9 kilometers long, built around a Deimos Howitzer. This gives them a major advantage of any ship their size due to the immense power of the howitzer, but it is not as powerful as full-scale versions due to power limitations. Each has 300 assault units due to the space requirements of the howitzer. It also has a few lasers, masers, and mass drivers, while flak guns and point defense lasers are common.
  • Xuroun-class Frigates are 1.7 kilometers long, even more armored than Izoun-classes. They have 800 assault units due to this, as there are also more mass drivers on the ship, with a few light particle beams. However, the majority of their firepower comes from missiles and bombs onboard the ship.
  • Mesoun-class Frigates are 1.3 kilometers long, and lightly armed. They have a few mass drivers, several lasers and masers, and a few coilguns. They are more carrier-esque, with a small assault unit construction hangar, and carrying two light cruiser sinside, with a total of 1000-1225 assault units.
  • Koioun-class Frigates each are 1.5 kilometers long, and are quite generalist. They have thick armor and shields, masers, lasers, missiles, long-range torpedoes, a few mass drivers and coilguns, and 500 assault units. They have a miniaturized munitions and weaponry construction hangar in the center of the ship, preforming repairs on assault units.

Heavy Cruiser Classes[]

Heavy cruisers used mainly in fire support, but can create havoc in great numbers.

  • Raia-class Heavy Cruisers are 685 meters long each, with five mass drivers built into their hulls, along with a few light lasers and several point defense stations. They have thick hulls for heavy cruisers, but their repulsor fields are not as sophisticated. They eacn has 185 assault units.
  • Xuaia-class Heavy Cruisers are each 710 meters long, equipped with mainly laser and maser cannons, designed to take down oncoming missiles and provide fire support. Each has 240 assault units, with a small vehicle expeller.
  • Ismiaia-class Heavy Cruisers are each 655 meters long, with several railcannons and flak guns. They are designed to swarm enemy vessels, constantly firing at them to destroy them. 140 assault units are kept in the ship.
  • Stoaia-class Heavy Cruisers are very powerful, at 735 meters long. They preform orbital strikes, with several missiles and bombs to raze worlds. They often accompany dreadnoughts equipped with a single Hercules Cannon to finish off partially destroyed planets. Around 215 assault units are seen in the ship, to help in planetary raids.
  • Voisaia-class Heavy Cruisers are designed to force the enemy into small pockets, as they are 695 meters long with plenty of railcannons and a few coilguns dotting the hull. They each also have several flak guns to destroy oncoming projectiles, and there are 150 assault vehicles and a few fighter jets to aid in combat.
  • Skariaia-class Heavy Cruisers are the largest class, at 745 meters. They are generalists, with 145 assault vehicles and a small light cruiser within the hull, along with a few railcannons, missiles, ultralight lasers, flak guns, and a mass driver built on the hull.

Light Cruisers[]

Light cruisers are the smallest class of Yuharon starship, designed for swarming and destruction in numbers.

  • Raoi-class Light Cruisers are 190 meters long each, armed with a few railcannons and a small coilgun, with several missile pods. They have a crew of 35 assault vehicles, as they aid in planetary assault.
  • Maoi-class Light Cruisers each are 215 meters in length, with a few ultralight lasers and railcannons, while a couple of flak guns are seen on the hull.
    Spaceship being made (pubdom)

    A Xioli-class Destroyer, while in a construction hangar

    The crew consists of 20 assault vehicles, as the munitions area takes up much of the ship.
  • Psaoi-class Light Cruisers are 205 meters long each, acting as weapons platforms. They are not armed, but carry massive amounts of munitions and energy packs, along with 150 assault vehicles and a single fighter jet.
  • Ousaoi-class Light Cruisers are 175 meters in length, with a focus on bombs and missiles, as they aid in planetary assault. They have a crew of 40 assault vehicles to aid in planetary bombardment.

Destroyer Classes[]

  • Psoli-class Destroyers are each 790 meters long. They bear large numbers of flak guns and lasers, and have a few missiles and railcannons. A mass driver is seen upon their central axis, just as powerful as any other. They carry 100 assault vehicles.
  • Xioli-class Destroyers are 815 meters long each, bearing several torpedo tubes and missile pods. They have multiple bombs to aid in planetary bombardment, as well as 170 assault vehicles. They are low on defense, as they usually are kept near a larger body.
  • Zetoli-class Destroyers have 8 frontal railcannons, at 820 meters long. They also have several missiles, large laser and maser banks, and powerful repulsors and thick armor, so sacrifice agility for tank-like structure.

Dropship Classes[]

Dropships are designed for deploying Assault Vehicles and atmospheric fighters.

  • Xoui-class Dropships are 1050 meters long each, armed with a few flak cannons and ultralight lasers. They have large hangar spaces, capable of holding 400 fighter jets and 30 thousand assault vehicles. However, some of this space is sacrificed to have a railcannon on the front.
  • Psiroui-class Dropships are each 975 meters long, wielding a modified light particle beam and a few flak guns. They are capable of holding 325 fighter jets and 32.5 thousand assault vehicles, and as such are often placed lower to the ground due to the higher number of assault vehicles.
  • Czoui-class Dropships each are 1135 meters long, only wielding a few point defense stations. Due to the sacrificed power, they can carry more than 1250 fighter jets and 20 thousand assault vehicles.
  • Aoui-class Dropships are 995 meters long, wielding a single light laser and several flak guns. They only carry assault units, and as such can carry more than 75 thousand of them.

Fighter Classes[]

  • Xapo'il-class Fighters are each 38 meters long, armed with several bombs and missiles to take out settlements and buildings. They carry 5 small assault units to aid in attack after launching from a Dropship, which can be expelled out of the back and retrieved after landing.
  • Found this on a blog, site says he made it, so it's pubdom

    A Psiriro'il-class Fighter flies through an atmosphere

    Opo'il-class Fighters each are 43 meters long, armed with two small lasers and a single small maser for taking out individual soldiers. They have a railcannon built into their hull for taking out vehicles which are in the way, and 8 assault units to aid in assault.
  • Zeo'il-class Fighters reach 50 meters in length, but are armed with two modified railcannons and a few thermonuclear bombs to take out large targets. For standard combat, they have two small masers which are highly accurate and 11 assault units to distribute on the battlefield.
  • Kiaro'il-class Fighters are each 41 meters long, armed with four tiny railcannons, two small lasers and masers, and multiple torpedoes and missiles. They do not have any assault units.
  • Psiriro'il-class Fighters measure at 47 meters in length, armed with a single maser and railgun. Their sole purpose is to transport 20 assault units to battle, taking multiple trips to allow several units to enter the battlefield. Space is maximized inside the vessel, using many unfamiliarily-shaped bays to store energy and assault vehicles.

Assault Vehicle Classes[]

  • Zetrakolir-class Assault Vehicles are small versions, at 1.46 meters in height. They have two small railturrets and a low-power rocket launcher, and are the basic soldier seen on the Yuharon battlefield. They need to be refuled and reloaded constantly, as they see much action.
  • Exakolir-class Assault Vehicles are also small, at 1.57 meters in height. They have a LMG-turret and two extremely low-power missile launchers. They are slightly less common than their smaller counterpart, and are placed close to the front line due to their low-range weapons.
  • Drehkolir-class Assault Vehicles are each 1.52 meters tall, designed for taking out vehicles in large numbers. They have a single medium-power rocket launcher and one, shoulder-based, small railturret. They are placed back from the front line, but still can force their way forwards in the line when a vehicle wave approaches.
  • Sigaikolir-class Assault Vehicles are 1.48 meters in height each, with five small rail-turrets as their only weaponry. They have advanced targeting, as to increase marksmanship when facing infantry or vehicles which are equal in size.
  • Omekolir-class Assault vehicles are each 1.62 meters in height, with two low-power rocket launchers and a medium railturret. They are designed to finish off pockets of infantry, and have higher agility than other Assaulters due to their more powerful engines.
  • Psiroxolir-class Assault Vehicles are medium-sized, at 2.39 meters in height. Each has two medium railturrets, a single low-power rocket launcher placed on the right shoulder, and a LMG-turret on the left. They lead mainly Exakolir-class vehicles, although Zetrakolir are common in their squadrons.
  • Gamroxolir-class Assault Vehicles are also around the same size as Psiroxolir, at 2.53 meters in height. They wield a precision rail-turret, a low-power rocket launcher co-axially, and two small railturrets on either side. As such, they usually stay away from the front lines with Zetrakolir, due to the fact that their weaponry is designed for precision, not power.
  • Ruixolir-class Assault Vehicles are each 2.67 meters in height, designed for structural damage. They have a large railturret, itself capable of damaging most building materials. To aid in the damage, the Ruixolir has two medium-low-power missile launchers which maximize explosives space while lowering speed and agility.
  • Fuoririxolir-class Assault Vehicles are 2.53 meters in height, and are designed to take out large pockets of infantry. They wield two LMG-turrets and a single HMG-turret, as well as two small railturrets on either side to prevent infantry assaults.
  • Etraolir-class Assault Vehicles are large forms, at 5.58 meters in height. They wield a single small railcannon turret and an anti-materiel railturret, as well as one medium railturret and two small railturrets on either side. They are designed for structural and vehicle damage, due to their powerful weapons.
  • Daedaolir-class Assault Vehicles are 5.7 meters in height, designed for taking out massive amounts of infantry. They each have two medium railturrets on either side, placed co-axially to large railturrets. They also have two HMG-turrets and four LMG-turrets, as well as five small railturrets on either side. They have an internal Zetrakolir, which is expelled just before destruction.
  • Omioronaoilr-class Assault Vehicles are each 5.9 meters in height, with two small railcannons and two large railturrets. These are used in destroying large squadrons and vehicles, as their railcannons can easily destroy most ships and vaporise multiple infantrymen. They also have a total of eight small railturrets, which finish off infantry quite nicely.


Yuharon ships are protected mainly by a multiple plates of moulded nanodiamond, compressed inside of construction hangars to acheive maximum density. These are arranged in the maximum tensile strength combination, and then held together using welding tools, which melt the nanodiamond into place.

Assault Vehicles are protected with mass-lowering technolgy, creating a repulsor field which vaporises oncoming projectiles. They have a secondary shield, made of particles, funneled around the ship. However, this does prevent firing, so is optional. They can absorb laser and maser shots quite well, as well as lessen the damage of EMP's.

Spaceships are also equipped with repulsor sheets, which lay around the ship in layers. These act as a tertiary shield, after both shields have depleted or avoided.


The Yuharon became intergalactic somewhere before 3.690(.000) AM, when they attacked the Daa during the Jaonu War. War continued until 3.996(.030) AM, when they colonized Polemos. After a thousand years, they contacted the lower Laoine, but were pushed back. They then created the Polemos Galactic War after the Laoine invaded their territory.

To get more resources, the Yuharon attacked the Gorkhan, bringing them and the Zeinestrel into the war. The war was subdued by the Daa invasion of Polemos, bringing it to the raging Jaonu War.

A few years thereafter, the Second Titanic War sprung up, requiring nearly all resources from all sides.

Relations with Other Races[]

The Yuharon are currently facing multiple fronts, and possibly another, even deadlier front in intergalactic space.

Laoine Culture[]

Laoine cultural influence spreads to the Vorians and Rovians, and to the Cyberteeth at one point. They began the Polemos Galactic War, hoping to extract revenge from the Yuharon from ancient occupation.


The Gorkhan get few ships from the Yuharon to face them, as they are at war. However, it is theorized that if the Yuharon sent in a fleet of around 25 dreadnoughts, they could easily destroy the Gorkhan empire.

The Assembly[]

The Assembly is currently creating meetings as to have the Yuharon join their alliance, and stop the Polemos Galactic War.
